John Harter Receives NSF Early CAREER Award

The Search For Exotic Superconductors

January 31, 2022

John Harter, an assistant professor of materials at UC Santa Barbara and Quantum Foundry thrust lead, has received an Early CAREER award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the highest honor given by the foundation to junior faculty. He will receive more than $715,000 over five years in support of his cutting-edge research in quantum materials science and educational activities.

“Professor John Harter is pursuing leading-edge research that could fast track the development of quantum technologies,” said Tresa Pollock, interim dean of UCSB’s College of Engineering (COE) and the Alcoa Distinguished Professor of Materials. “We offer him our sincerest congratulations and believe that his work reflects the intellectual diversity and broad-ranging impact of the research being pursued by our faculty.”