Image of a vine-inspired robot navigating complex terrain. Credit: Elliot Hawkes
Credit: Elliot Hawkes


Translating fundamental discoveries at the nanoscale into functional engineering systems is essential to solving California’s most pressing needs in sustainability, healthcare, the environment, and the future of work. With our partners at UCLA, CNSI researchers are pioneering the analysis of multiscale system dynamics across domains from ecosystems to robotics. This intrinsically multidisciplinary work provides California with a unique training environment for the next generation of leaders in science and engineering.

 Affiliated Researchers

Lab Manager
Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop
Facilitating researchers working in the Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop; manager for the Microfluidics Laboratory and Innovation Workshop.
Distinguished Professor
The Fredrickson group has pioneered the development of field-theoretic simulations and pursued applications of the technique to understand complex classical polymer and quantum many-boson systems.
Associate Professor
Cellular and computational neuroscience; Stochastic axon systems.
Distinguished Professor
Director - AlloSphere Research Facility
We create software systems to turn slow exploration of complex datasets into real-time interactive workflows.
Assistant Professor
We strive to formulate models for otherwise intractable problems, at the intersection of fluids and other disciplines.
Professor of Ecology and Evolution
The Mazer lab aims to detect the mechanisms by which plants adapt to ecological risks and opportunities, and to explore the genetic constraints that may limit the rate or degree of adaptation.
Distinguished Research Professor
Discovery of biophysical & genetic surrogates for phosphorylation controlling amyloid formation, protein assembly, structure & function.
Distinguished Professor
Professor Petzold's current research focuses on computational methods, mathematical modeling and machine learning, with application to a wide range of problems from systems biology, neuroscience, medicine and engineering.
Assistant Professor
Soft, biological, and bio-inspired materials and interfaces.
Co-Director, CNSI
Mechanics of cells and tissues; design of bio-inspired materials with applications to packaging, healthcare and robotics; instrument development.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Vlcek's research enables an accurate quantum description of realistic nanoscale systems.
Assistant Professor
We use photo-switchable proteins to precisely control how information flows through biological networks to understand how cells make decisions.
Director, NSF Quantum Foundry
Synthesis and advanced characterization of new quantum materials.