UCSB transitioned to Concur for expense reimbursement processing on February 1, 2022. All requests for travel and business meeting reimbursements must be submitted via Concur by a UCSB Employee.
Please Review Prior to Submitting a Request in Concur:
- Process Workflow (below)
- Training Overview
Enter your UCSB e-mail address and click “Next” on the landing page. You will be re-directed to “Sign in with UC Santa Barbara SSO”.
Non-UCSB Employees: If you are not an employee in the UCPath System, your reimbursement will need to be processed by your host as a “Guest” in the Concur system.
Process Workflow
- Requestor
Adds CNSI Preparer Delegates:
Note: If minor corrections are required, a Preparer Delegate may make them for the Requestor. If a Preparer Delegate makes corrections, the system may require the Requestor to resubmit (re-approve) the request submission.
- Christopher Gloo ( - General CNSI, including Heeger Travel Awards
- Kelsey Leonard Moore ( - Quantum Foundry
- Debbie Kleinpeter ( - BioPACIFIC MIP
- Alana Beal ( - Climate Action Funds and Propel/IPS Awards
Inputs reimbursement request
Adds Advisor/Supervisor as an Ad Hoc Approver (Expense)
Submits request
Note: If a Preparer Delegate was not added prior to your submission, you may need to recall a request or recall a report to make required edits and resubmit the transaction.
- Advisor / Supervisor
- Reviews and approves request
- CNSI Department Expense Approver
Receives and reviews the reimbursement request.
Note: Reimbursement is forwarded to Business and Financial Services (BFS) for payment processing. For split-funded reimbursements, request is forwarded to administering department(s) for additional funding sources prior to BFS.
- Travel: Prior Approval and Advances
CNSI does not require prior approval for domestic travel, but travelers should receive confirmation from PI (faculty) that funding is available.
All foreign travel requires pre-approval. Prior approval is requested in Concur via the Requests module. Before your foreign travel, log into Concur, navigate to the Requests module and “Create New Request”. This replaces the Prior Approval pdf form that we used to use and is where you should request a travel advance, if necessary. CNSI policy requires prior approval for all foreign travel. Having a prior approval in place helps us to ensure the necessary approvals are in place for your travel, and helps us to get your reimbursement to you faster.
It is the researcher's responsibility to ensure compliance with export control and cyber security measures when traveling abroad to ensure the security and integrity of federally funded research data (see
For instructions on how to request a travel advance in Concur, please see the tutorial here.
Cash Advances can be requested for travelers who are not eligible for a Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card. Advances are granted in limited situations for certain expenses when no other method of payment is possible. A Cash Advance will only be issued within 30 days of when the expense is to be paid or incurred. The amount requested should not exceed a reasonable estimate of out-of-pocket expense.
CNSI will require travelers requesting a Cash Advance to sign an agreement, along with their PI, that the travel report will be submitted within 30 days of returning.
- Written and Video Instructions for Submitting Concur Expenses
A 5-minute video of preparing a Concur request can be viewed HERE.
1. Sign-in to Concur. Enter your UCSB e-mail address and click “Next” on the landing page. You will be re-directed to “Sign in with UC Santa Barbara SSO”.
2. If this is your first time on Concur, make sure to add a Preparer Delegate. Instructions for adding a delegate can be found here.
What is a Prepare Delegate? if minor corrections are required on the reimbursement, a delegate can make them on behalf of the submitter. After you've followed the remaining steps for submitting a reimbursement, you'll notify your delegate to review.
3. Begin the Reimbursement.- Select"Expense" at the top header.
- Select "Create New Report"
- Fill out necessary information for the travel.
- Once finished, select "Create Report".
Special Notes:- Common code information can be found below in "Resources"
4. Add all the necessary expense information by type (flights, food, conference registration, etc.)
5. Add Your Advisor/PI/Supervisor into the approval timeline.- Locate "Report Details" dropdown in left corner and select.
- Select "Report Timeline"
- On the left panel Approval Flow, select "Edit".
- Select the "Add Step" that appears BEFORE the department approval.
- Search for your approver by last name and "save" once complete.
- Common Coding Info (Sub Accounts and Cost Types)
Sub 3: Business Meeting Reimbursements
Cost Type: 7250 (Business Meeting Expense)
Cost Type: 7750 (alcohol) – unrestricted funds onlySub 3: Purchase Reimbursements
Reminder: All purchases should be made via Gateway to the greatest extent possible. Membership reimbursements require an additional form.
Contact CNSI Purchasing Coordinator for cost type details.Sub 5: Domestic Travel Reimbursements
Cost Type: 2000 (In-State Travel)
Cost Type: 2900 (Domestic Travel, Out of State)
Cost Type: 2100 (Registration Fees)Sub 7: Foreign Travel Reimbursements
Cost Type: 2902 (Foreign Travel) - Maximum Daily Reimbursement Rates
For travel within the Continental United States, the daily maximum reimbursement rates are:
- $275.00 for lodging
- $79.00 for meals and incidentals
Allowable exceptions to the maximum lodging reimbursement maximums may be submitted via the Lodging Limit Justification Form.
- Required Receipts
Receipts for all expenses for which you seek reimbursement are required including, but not limited to:
• Airline Passenger Receipts**
• Rental car receipts, rail ticket stubs, bus tickets
• Local transportation receipts
• Receipts for miscellaneous expenses (supplies)
• Hotel receipts (must be itemized to show nightly rates, applicable taxes, etc.)
• Conference Registration Receipts**U.S. Flag Carriers must be used for travel on federal funds.
Additional details may be found on the Common Types of Supporting Documentation.
- Submitting a Request for a Guest
Reimbursements for non-UCSB Employees (not in UCPath) must be processed by a host as a “Guest” in the Concur system.
To begin the process, submit a ticket via Service Now: Select "Concur"
- Select "Request a New Guest Traveler"
Concur Sign-in
Concur Reimbursement Portal
Related Links
- Concur Resources
- Policies and Regulations Governing Travel (G-28)
- Maximum Domestic Daily Rates
- Federal Per Diem Rates (Foreign Travel Only)
- Travel less than 24 hours
- UC Traveler Insurance Coverage
- Common Types of Supporting Documentation
- Lodging Limit Justification Form
- Declaration of Missing Evidence
- Meals Log: Page 2
- Membership Form